The Top Knot Versus The Boyfriend

So if you haven't discovered or made use of the trendy "top knot" in your life... you're missing out. I myself have probably over done it the past few months, but hey if it's IN work it til it's about 2 days away from dying, then get out while you still can. What I'm saying is, I've probably worn my hair in the so called "Top Knot" far too many days out of the week and in row recently- simply because its so easy. When I have to be at work at 8am and everything within me cries out STAY IN BED.. it's basically the only option I have. 

Who can talk top knots without including Miley Cyrus before her hair debacle of '12? I refuse. 

Yesterday as my boyfriend and I snuggled up to watch the evening news (yes, we do that) I comfortably got in my "nook"... that's what I call that area on your guy's chest right below his shoulders and neck where you can lay your head ever so perfectly.. don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about, the nook! 

So as I feel his hand continuously pushing the top of my "knot" out of the way I soon realize it's not only constructing his view of the TV but also brushing against his face over and over again... I was then pushed out of my favorite "nook" far too soon due to the knot and too much laughter. 

Isn't that too often the case though? Style before Lovin? 
If I could only count the times he's refrained from kissing me due to the lipstick effect... that's another blog another time. 
Regardless, my hair is in the old faithful top knot yet again today. Seems the hair wins the battle against the boyfriend for today anyways.  

Here's my keys to pulling off the trend in a hitch! 

1. Do it Fast 
The beauty of the top knot is that it can be quick. Perfect for a morning routine like I enjoy doing. It doesn't have to be perfect, it doesn't even necessarily have to be smooth. Let your hair do the work... and maybe a few bobby pins too. 

2. Choose your style 
I like to grab all of my hair and put it in a ponytail on the very top of my head, then wrap. I have two options here, I can either wrap then bobby pin, or wrap in and up the hair elastic I'm already using. It completely depends on what look you're drawn towards that particular day. 
  • For a loose "California" look scrunch the top of the hair out using your fingers for a more volumed look, as well as pull two pieces from your front forehead or above your earlobes for a piecey feel. 

  • For a tight & sleek look simply smooth all of the hair back towards your knot. Don't be afraid to look slick and use hairspray. It will look polished & refined and perfect for an evening out.  

Voila! Top Knot Success! I just can't promise relationship success along with it ;) 

Are there any fashion/style trends that have left a mark (funny or not) on any of your relationships? 
Tell me I'm not the only one 
Comment Below! 


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