For the Children in Newtown, Connecticut.

I cannot bring myself to write a typical "Fashionable Cent$" post today on style, celebrities, or beauty. Those things are all fun, and I'm sure I'll be back at it come Monday, but today is different. Today we are each faced with a sobering reality.

I work at a desk that sits a few feet away from a TV that has CNN playing all day long. This morning when the news broke of a school shooting I was shocked. As details continued to come in regarding children, teachers, & deaths, the word shock became an understatement.

I have no words that I could write or say that could be adequate on a day like today. No words can bring the kind of answers or comfort that so many need.
There is just one thing I do know; today is not a day to begin entertaining questions & doubts, though I'm sure many of us want to. Today is not a day to turn our back on God, or on those who are hard to love.

Today is a day to come together, to draw closer to God, and to trust in the middle of the fear and in the middle of doubt. Today is a day to pray like you've never prayed before.
I pray for each family, for each sweet child, & for each person directly affected by this tragedy.
I pray there is a peace that passes understanding, I pray they feel our prayers from near or afar, &
I pray that God would heal our land.

Sincerely & with Love,


  1. bless the families and the loved ones lost. Traci

  2. Poor little children :( Bless the families. May those children rest in peace.
    Btw, thanks for dropping by my blog. Followed your blog already. Hoping you'll do the same.


    1. Thanks for the love & for following Jan!
      I'll be sure to follow back.

  3. It really is a time to pray like we've never prayed before.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree.
      Thanks for stopping by Ashley!

  4. Yes Let us trust in God :)


  5. posts like these are so hard to write, i thought about those precious babies all night last nite.. it's a sad world we are living in these days.. just stopping by to show your blog some love.. i appreciate the kind words you left at mine! Newest follower!!!
    My Something New With You

    1. I completely agree Callie, it took me longer to write this short little blurb then most of my longer posts! Words are so fragile right now.
      Thanks for stopping by AND following!!
      Following back :)


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